Dr. Ricardo Ignacio Vedoya |
:: rvedoya@labproser.com.ar |
Ricardo Ignacio Vedoya was born the 06/01/1951 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He finished De La Salle high school in Buenos Aires in the year 1968.
He completed his studies at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences in February of 1975.
From his beginnings as a professional he specialized in the attention of the Equine species.
He worked as a veterinarian in the following S.P.C haras: Abolengo, Don Yayo, El Turf, Los Sauces, Aconcagua, San Francisco de Pilar, Las Marianas, Vadarkablar, Campestre (Brazil) where he was responsible for the sanitary attention as well as the reproductive handling.
In the year 1978 form the Equine Clinical society with his
brother Hugo and Dr. Miguel Lagos Mármol and they built
Equine Clinic in city of Capitán Sarmiento, 145 kilometers
of the city of Buenos Aires.
He was also responsible the Cuarto de Milla haras (Quarters Horses) as the King Ranch in the Argentina that then was sold to Pecom Agropecuaria and where he did works of artificial insemination and embryonic transplante. For this assignment he did two travels to USA, one to Kingsville in Texas, to the central headquarters of the King Ranch, where with Dr. Tolkes he learned all the techniques in artificial insemination. The other travel took him to AM Texas University where he did a course of embryonic transplante.
He also made travels to different clinics in Kentucky, New York, Florida, California and France, as well as visits to different breeding establishments. The main porpoise of the travels was to acquire new knowledge and to win experience in the field.
During the month of November of 1992 he was member of the organizing committee of the III International Symposium on Equine Embrio Transfer developed in the City of Buenos Aires, where the most famous scientists in equine reproduction of all the parts of the world converged, standing out the presence of Dr. W.R. Allen (U.K), D.F.Antczak, B.C. Enders, J.P.Hughes, R.M. Kenney, E.Squires (it USES), K.J. Betteridge (Canada), E.Palmer (France), R.C. Pashen (Australia) among others.
There is was also dedicated to the care of pole horses in the reproductive part (including organizing centers of transplante of embryos) or in the training section, assisting in all the aspects countless horses of different pole players. With the family Novillo Astrada as a client he participate actively in the preparation of their herd of horses to play many pole opens, including to end up playing the final of the Open of Palermo in the year 1999 with the team of The Cañada.
He was member of the directive commission of the AAVE (Argentine Association of Equine Veterinary science) and member of the American Association of Equine Practitioners.
He participated of most of the congresses and scientific days of the equine area carried out in the country, and some abroad.
He is from more than 10 years Sworn of Admission of the Equine race for the exhibitions of the Rural Society Argentina and that takes place in Palermo.
Dr. Miguel Lagos Marmol |
Miguel Lagos Marmol was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in June 13th of 1943.
Graduated with the title of Bachelor in the Cardenal Newman high school in the year 1959.
He completed his studies in the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires in March of 1968.
His first steps as a professional were as a pupil of Dr. Guillermo Garbers.
He worked as veterinarian of the following S.P.C. haras: Maryland, Los Ilusos, Haras Trinidad, Haras El Trebol, Haras Montesur, Haras Los Polvorines, Haras Los Prados, Haras Don Santiago, Haras Don Valentín, Haras El Pelado, Haras El Rosillo, Haras La Candelaria, Haras Los Orientales, Haras Atahualpa (Oriental Republic of Uruguay), Haras Vacación (where he continues as advisory), and in the Haras San Lorenzo de Areco of which he is its owner, and to which he dedicates most of his time.
During the years 1969 and 1970 he worked in the Buddy Jacobsons in U.S.A. He attended during several years to the congresses of the AAEP (American Association of Equine Practitioners, of which he is a member in: S. Louis, San Francisco, Lexington (2), Miami, Vancouver, San Antonio and San Diego.
In the year 1971 he granted a scholarship in Newmarket.
He did professional practices in the clinic of Dr. Pouret in France.
In the year 1978 next to the doctors Hugo and Ricardo Vedoya he creates the Equine Clinical society.
In one of his countless trips for his professional improvement he did a course of transplante of embryos in equine in the University of Texas A.M.
Among the years 1984 and 1990 he worked as a trainer of S.P.C. ending up winning in the year 1986 the Polla de Potrancas in The Race track of Palermo, together with other 66 careers more distributed among the race tracks of Palermo, San Isidro and La Plata.
He also worked as a veterinarian of the mounted of many pole players.
He was member of the Commission of Careers of the Argentinean Jockey Club in the reopen of the Race track of San Isidro, in the year 1978.
At the moment he is member of the Argentinean Association of Equine Veterinary science and of the Argentinean Stud Book.
Dr. Teótimo Becú |
Born: September 14, 1953, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Marital Status: Married to Marcela Miguens.
Children: Sofía, ( 1987 ), Marina ( 1989 ), Dolores ( 1992 ), Isabel ( 1997 ).
D.V.M. - 1978, Universidad de Buenos Aires
1979 to date: Chief of the Diagnostic Laboratory of “Clinica Equina”. hospital
1987 to date: Chief of the Diagnostic Laboratory “Laboratorio Equino”.
This experience includes clinical bacteriology, vaccines production, hematology, blood biochemistry, fertility evaluation of the stallion, serology of E.I.A ( Equine Infectious Anemia ), Babesia caballi, B. equi, Dourine and Glanders by complement fixation test, B caballi and B. equi by IFAT ( Indirect Immunofluoresence test ), Rhodococcus equi by AGID ( Agar gel immunodifusion test ), complement fixation test and indirect ELISA, etc.
“Clinica Equina” is the only private lab officially habilitated by the Argentinian Agricultural Ministry to perform the serology ( Piroplasmosis, Dourine and Glanders ) for export and import horses.
1984 – Equine Piroplasmosis antigen production and serologic procedures. Isolation and identification of the Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) organism.
1989 – The pathology of equine viral arteritis and equine rhinopneumonitis; the passage of continuous cell line, and testing and quality assurance of cell lines and media; the agar gel immunodifusion and competitive enzyme linked immunoassay tests for equine infectious anemia; the serum neutralization test for equine viral arteritis, equine rhinopneumonitis, and vesicular stomatitis; and the hemagglutination inhibition test for equine influenza.
2000 – CELISA and supplemental tests ( IFAT, AGID, ind.ELISA ) for Equine Piroplasmosis, Dourine and Glanders.
1992: Techniques for antigen production, serological testing, and vaccine production involving Rhodococcus equi infection of horses. College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
1998: Indirect Immunofluorescence technique for Babesia caballi and Babesia equi serology. Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas.
As first author or co-author:
1994 – First Congress of Equine Medicine – San Pablo – Brasil : Rhodococcus equi : Serologic diagnosis and immunoprophylaxis
1996 – Havemeyer Foundation Workshop on Rhodococcus equi and Neonatal Immunology in the Foal: Guelph, Canada, July 29-30:
Immunoprophylaxis for R. equi pneumonia in foals.
Immunoblotting of R. equi antigens with sera of normal, infected and immunized horses.
Veterinary Microbiology, special issue, VOL 56 NOS. 3,4, 1997.
1997 – Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms of Virulence Plasmids in Rhodococcus equi: 8 th International Conference on Equine Infectious Diseases, Dubai, and 1999: Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Vol.37, No. 10.
1998 – Babesia equi field isolates cultured from horse blood horse blood using a microcentrifuge method: Journal Parasitology, 84(4), p 696-699.
1999 – Rhodococcus equi infections in foals : University of Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias y Pecuarias, Escuela de Posgrado y Postítulo, Santiago, Chile.
2000 – Prevalence of Virulence Plasmids in Soil Isolates of Rhodococcus equi from 5 Horse-Breeding Farms in Argentina: Journal Equine Science, No. 2 pp. 23-27.
2001 – Application of Sartwell´s Model ( Lognormal Distribution of Incubation Periods ) to Age at Onset and Age at Death of Foals with Rhodococcus equi pneumonia as Evidence of Perinatal Infection: J. Vet. Internal Medicine 15:171-175
10 scientific publications were presented since 1979 and have participated in 7 Meetings as panelist or coordinator.( Argentina )
2001 – Invited by the Jockey Club of Turkey, through his consultant Dr Ross Williamson, to give 5 lectures about “ Rhodococcus equi infections in foals “.
Asociación Argentina de Veterinaria Equina
American Association of Equine Practitioners
Dr. Gonzalo Polledo |
Gonzalo Polledo was born the 6/10/1955 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Married with Clara Cendoya, is the father of Clara, Josefina and Marcos. He completed his studies at the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences in February of 1982.
The outstanding issue, in his wide professional experiences, is his actual responsability us co-chief technical director of the diagnostic laboratories “Clínica Equina” in Capitán Sarmiento and “Laboratorio Equino” in San Isidro, both in the province of Buenos Aires. This experiencies includes: clinical bacteriology, vaccines production, hematology, blood biochemistry, serology of E.I.A ( Equine Infectious Anemia ), Equine Piroplasmosis (Babesia caballi, Babesia equi), Dourine and Glanders by complement fixation test, Babesia caballi and Babesia equi by IFAT ( Indirect Immunofluoresence test ), Rhodococcus equi by AGID ( Agar gel immunodifusion test ), complement fixation test and indirect ELISA, etc.
“Clinica Equina” is the only private lab officially habilitated by the Argentinian Agricultural Ministry to perform the serology ( Piroplasmosis, Dourine and Glanders ) for export and import horses.
Doctor Polledo counts as well with officials certifications in the SENASA (National Service of Animal Health) for the diagnostic of the followings diseases: E.I.A (Coggins test), Piroplasmosis, Durina and Muermo by complement fixation test, and Piroplasmosis by inmunofluorescence.
1994 – First Congress of Equine Medicine – San Pablo – Brasil : Rhodococcus equi : Serologic diagnosis and immunoprophylaxis
1996 – Havemeyer Foundation Workshop on Rhodococcus equi and Neonatal Immunology in the Foal: Guelph, Canada, July 29-30:
Immunoprophylaxis for R. equi pneumonia in foals.
Immunoblotting of R. equi antigens with sera of normal, infected and immunized horses.
Veterinary Microbiology, special issue, VOL 56 NOS. 3,4, 1997.
1998 – Babesia equi field isolates cultured from horse blood horse blood using a microcentrifuge method: Journal Parasitology, 84(4), p 696-699.
- Asociación Argentina de Veterinaria Equina.