Equiprost is a similar synthetic
of the prostaglandin F alpha.
Each mL of solution contains
125 fluprostenol ug
Equiprost is an specific
for equine,
producing a morphological and
functional regression of the luteal body, followed by a
return to the zeal among two to
four days later to the treatment
with a normal ovulation. It
should be remembered that there
is ,among animals, one period in
wich they will be refractory to
the treatment that goes from the
ovulation to 6 to 7 days later,
where the
corpus luteum effects
of the prostaglandins are not
manifested. Equiprost has a wide
therapeutic index not producing
in mares such undesirable
secondary actions as taquipnea,
tachycardia, sudoración,
laryngeal spasm, etc. of the
non-specific prostaglandins.
Synchronization of the zeal in
mares, abortions in the first
third of the gestation,
induction of
foal birth.
Not administer to pregnant
females. Equiprost can be
absorbed through skin reason why
it should not be manipulated by
pregnant women. When
accidentally occur a contact
with the skin, it must be wash
immediately with abundant water.
The prostaglandins of type F2
can cause bronchial spasms in
men. If accidentally it is
inhalationed or the injection
with the rising problem quick
action bronchodilatory like the
isoprenalina or the salbutamol
for inhalation.